d & i had originally made plans for this weekend to do a lot of stuff, like how he volunteered us to attend my mother's church event tomorrow night, which he had totally forgotten about when he made other plans to go to a motorcycle track in NEVEDA! it's obviously still a very touchy subject as i'm still obligated to attend to the church event tomorrow night, regardless of the fact that he won't be able to go with me. * le sighhhhhhhhhhh *
although i'm glad he's able to make it this time since his friends had flaked on him in july so he wasn't able to go to track. i want him to have a good (& safe) trip so i tried really hard not to give him too much grief about it. he's usually pretty good about adhering to promises made, but we're still trying to survive the aftermath of a crisis ridden (loosely coined) past weekend so i'm readily (kinda sorta, okay perhaps not since i'm still pretty bitter about it) forgiving to the situation.
when i'm stressed, i clean and/or bake. when i procrastinate on completing a task, i bake. in this case, it was a combination of both.
although my friends had asked me to go out with them. i was pretty much hell bent on cleaning up, baking, and prepping the house for my sister's (kwhammie) home coming on sunday. so instead of heading out to the movies or drinks with my friends, i stayed home to clean up her room, which i used as a home office while she was away for the past six months. i also busted out the pastry cutter i purchased a few months ago but never had a chance to use.
i had set out to make pie crusts from the pioneer woman. if you don't know who she is, she's a cooking god. perhaps that's a bit exaggerative, but she's definitely one of my favorite cooking bloggers. she provides step-by-step instructions, guiding (and providing) you from start to the end product, making it that much easier to accomplish her recipes.
in addition to the pie crusts (which i froze so i can use at a later date), i also made buttermilk cinnamon buns topped with buttermilk syrup that i had thickened with unflavored gelatin. yep, total buttermilk overload.
this is actually a test run of the cinnamon buns since i've never attempted to make them before. d loves cinnamon buns so hopefully this batch came out okay. if it is indeed tasty, i'll make a fresh batch when he returns from his mini trip on sunday.

i cut them up into small little square(ish) so i can stick 'em on top of the spice jars as you can see, my spice drawer is located beneath my countertop. it takes out the legwork of having to take each jar out to figure out what i need.
have i ever mentioned i'm kinda OCD? just a tad, if you haven't noticed from the past few pictures. thought i'd throw it out there in case you missed it.
that pretty much sums up my friday night while d's heading out to vegas.
signing off, folks. got a long morning of errands to run. hope everyones having a good friday night. :)