Sunday, October 24, 2010


Getting back from my mini early bday getaway with d (which was nothing short of amazing), all I wanted to do was to roll around in bed & read. Unfortunately, my kindle has black & white lines sprayed across its screen. It's been less than a month & my kindle 3 has mysteriously contracted LOD (lines of death).

According to numerous forums, this happens quite often. Luckily it's still under warranty so I'll probably be sent a new one.

But that means I'll have to either try to scrap up my gelaskin or replace it. Boo.


W. Louie // Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

my world.

le humans:
d // of my life. step papa to baxie. gpa to benz. inter nos. circa 02142009

k or wifey #1 // the best friend a girl can ever ask for. the other daughter my parents wished for.
kwhammie // my blood half. my little big sister.

le doggies:
baxie // my first born son. 5.5 yr old rat terrier.
toby // my nephew aka kwhammie's son. 4 yr old jack russell.
benz or "benben" // my g.son. 6 month old yorkie.