Friday, October 29, 2010

Mister Kindle's Replacement.

Amazon has outstanding customer service. Within 12 hours of emailing them I had received a response back with the next steps of visiting their support page for troubleshooting instructions or to phone them directly.

Since I was busy all week with school & work, I actually didn't have time to call them (yes, kindle-less for almost 6 days!). I finally had some time on Wednesday when I was at my office to contact them. The CSR had tried to perform some live troubleshooting but to no avail. Within five mins, he had set up an overnight delivery service for a replacement Kindle and even before we hung up, I had received an email with the tracking number for the new Kindle. That's pretty awesome customer service in my book.

I'm so glad I'm able to reuse my gelaskin on replacement Kindle. I'd hate to have to repurchase it considering I didn't have for too long & it's not damage. Which also goes to show that gelaskins are also a good investment. :)


W. Louie // Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Dirt On The Rocks said...

your kindle looks great. how do you like it? i know it's much more high tech than a sony reader. i actually feel like upgrading my reader sometime soon. :) gelaskins are great !

wendycakes said...

i absolutely love it. it's simple, easy to use. it doesn't require any programs to be downloaded in order to transfer files into the ereader. it basically opens up like an external hard drive so you can easily transfer whatever books or music of your choice. the web browser isn't bad either.

not to mention that my idea of a perfect lazy day involves rolling around in bed reading books off mister kindle. :)

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my world.

le humans:
d // of my life. step papa to baxie. gpa to benz. inter nos. circa 02142009

k or wifey #1 // the best friend a girl can ever ask for. the other daughter my parents wished for.
kwhammie // my blood half. my little big sister.

le doggies:
baxie // my first born son. 5.5 yr old rat terrier.
toby // my nephew aka kwhammie's son. 4 yr old jack russell.
benz or "benben" // my g.son. 6 month old yorkie.