Friday, December 10, 2010

Amazon Goodies.

2 Vapur water bottle/bags, robot ext. hd, & hd case.

The Vapur water bottle/bags are a lot bigger than I'd imagined it to be. I actually got these for daddy since he likes to carry drinking water around when he's in HK in his man purse.

Yep, I said man purse. Most guys carry man purses are quite the thing in asia since their main means of transportation are public. So most ppl don't have the luxury of leaving things, such as water bottles, in their car.

Hope he likes it!


W. Louie // Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

my world.

le humans:
d // of my life. step papa to baxie. gpa to benz. inter nos. circa 02142009

k or wifey #1 // the best friend a girl can ever ask for. the other daughter my parents wished for.
kwhammie // my blood half. my little big sister.

le doggies:
baxie // my first born son. 5.5 yr old rat terrier.
toby // my nephew aka kwhammie's son. 4 yr old jack russell.
benz or "benben" // my g.son. 6 month old yorkie.